Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the DCMRC Online Learning Platform

    • Overview of the DCMRC Online CMR platform

  • 2

    Introduction to the CMR Core Exam

    • Patient History

    • Study Overview

    • Interpretation - Left ventricle size

    • LV interpretation

    • Interpretation - Left ventricle size

    • Interpretation - wall motion

    • Interpretation - wall motion

    • Estimation of LVEF

    • Quantification - LVEF

    • LVEF_V5

    • Assessment of the Right Ventricle

    • Left and right atrial assessment

    • Interpretation - valvular disease

    • Interpretation - valvular disease

    • Other cine findings

    • Delayed-enhancement: Overview

    • Delayed-enhancement: Setting the TI (inversion time)

    • Delayed-enhancement: Interpretation

    • Delayed-enhancement: Interpretation

    • Delayed-enhancement: Interpretation

    • Single-shot Inversion Recovery

    • Final Report

  • 3

    Introduction to CMR Stress Perfusion

    • Overview

    • Patient History

    • Case Overview

    • Purpose and technical considerations for adenosine stress imaging

    • Interpretation of CMR Stress Perfusion images

    • Case Example - LV Function

    • Interpretation of the DE-MRI images

    • Interpretation of the perfusion images

    • Stress perfusion interpretation

    • Clinical interpretation of this study

  • 4

    Introduction to Velocity Flow

    • Patient History

    • Case Description

    • Description of Velocity Encoded Images

    • Quantifying velocity encoded images

    • Demonstration of how to quantify velocity encoded images

    • Qp/Qs

    • Case 2 - VENC imaging for valvular assessment

    • Considerations when acquiring velocity encoded images

    • Adjusting the VENC setting for optimal velocity encoding

    • Case summary & additional findings

    • Case 3 - ASD/PFO assessment using VENC imaging

    • Using Velocity Encoded images to visualize flow

    • Qp:Qs

    • Summary

  • 5

    Introduction of MR Angiography

    • Patient History

    • Case Description

    • Contrast Kinetics and sequence for MR Angiography

    • Description of the MR Angiography Images

    • Analysis of 3D MR Angiography data

    • Common Aortic Measurements

    • creating a 3D volume rendered image from the 3D MRA data

    • Back to our patient, pertinent aortic measurements

    • Findings from this case

    • Final Report

  • 6

    Common CMR Artifacts

    • Overview of CMR imaging artifacts

    • 1. Imaging artifacts due to physiologic patient motion

    • Segmented and single shot acquisitions

    • Cine imaging - acquisition methods

    • Applications of each acquisition strategy

    • Examples of motion artifacts

    • Image artifacts with cine imaging

    • ECG artifacts

    • ECG/gating on 3D acquisitions

    • 2. SSFP Banding

    • Resolving SSFP artifacts

    • 3. TSE Artifacts

    • 4. DE-MRI artifacts

    • 5. Stress perfusion artifacts

    • 6. RF Artifacts - B1 inhomogeneity

    • 6. RF artifacts - RF Interference

    • 7. iPAT artifact

    • 8. Metal artifacts: Implanted devices/valves