Course curriculum

  • 1

    ECG Gating

    • What is an ECG?

    • ECG Basics

    • Optimizing your ECG trace

    • Why do we use ECG Gating in cardiac MRI?

    • How do we acquire images to capture or freeze cardiac motion?

    • Acquiring segmented cine data

    • Inside each segment

    • Temporal resolution

    • Types of ECG Gating

    • Segmented imaging - freeze cardiac motion

    • Adapting the acquisition to different heart rates

    • Single Shot imaging

    • Summary

  • 2

    Imaging sequences used in CMR

    • Overview

    • Overview of Image Readouts

    • GRE

    • Spoiled GRE

    • SSFP

    • SSFP artifacts

    • SSFP artifacts

    • Spin Echo

    • Contrast via Magnetization Preparation modules

    • T1 weighted contrast

    • Take heart rate into consideration for some T1 weighted sequences

    • Heart rate dependency for T1 weighting via saturation recovery

    • Clinical applications of T1 weighted imaging

    • T2 weighted contrast

    • Examples of T2 weighted imaging in clinical CMR

    • Parametric Mapping

    • Parametric mapping - T2 mapping

    • Normal values for T1 mapping

    • Summary

  • 3

    Slice Positioning

    • Overview

    • Anatomy of the heart

    • Anatomy of the Heart

    • Key Imaging Planes

    • Names for the different walls of the LV

    • Finding your cardiac views

    • Step 1 - center on the ventricle

    • Step 2 - 2 chamber scout

    • Step 3 - 4 chamber scout

    • Step 4 - find the short axis

    • Acquiring your short axis cine images

    • Acquiring the short axis stack

    • Acquiring the 3 chamber cine

    • Acquiring the 4 chamber cine

    • Acquiring the 2 chamber cine

    • Acquiring the RV 3 chamber cine

    • Acquiring the RV 2 chamber cine

    • Acquiring a cine of the en-face aortic valve

    • Summary

  • 4

    Technologist's guide to ischemic heart disease

    • Ischemic heart disease overview

    • Myocardial Viability: core exam

    • Arrhythmias in cine imaging

    • Cine imaging: overcoming frequent ectopy and breathing problems

    • Setting up your delayed-enhancement acquisition

    • Setting the inversion time

    • Setting the inversion time

    • Practical considerations regarding the acquisition of delayed-enhancement images

    • Segmented delayed-enhancement: problems with ectopy and breathing

    • Adenosine/Regadenosine stress perfusion exam

    • SR perfusion image acquisition

    • The imaging sequence for a stress study is an SR perfusion

    • Slice positioning for Stress perfusion

  • 5

    Technologist's guide to heart failure and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy

    • Intro to NICM and HF

    • Role of CMR in HF and NICM diagnosis

    • EF as a characteristic of HF

    • Heart failure classification

    • NICM -> dilated cardiomyopathy

    • Imaging myocarditis

    • Diagnosis of myocarditis using CMR

    • CMR diagnosis of myocarditis

    • Imaging protocol for myocarditis

    • Iron overload

    • CMR of Cardiac Amyloidosis

    • CMR of cardiac amyloidosis

    • CMR Imaging Protocol for Amyloidosis

    • CMR of cardiac sarcoidosis

    • Imaging protocol for cardiac sarcoidosis

    • CMR of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    • HCM imaging protocol

    • Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC)

    • ARVC imaging protocol and examples

    • Case examples

  • 6

    Cine imaging: the interplay of temporal and spatial resolution

    • Cine imaging: temporal and spatial resolution