Course curriculum

  • 1

    01- Myocardial Viability

    • Patient History

    • ECG

    • Patient History - summary of findings

    • Interpretation - cine images

    • Interpretation of cine images - LV cavity size

    • Interpretation of cine images

    • Interpretation - valves and other findings.

    • DE-MRI interpretation

    • Follow-up

  • 2

    02 - Aortic Insufficiency

    • Patient History

    • Review the CMR images

    • Evaluation of the LV size on cine images

    • Evaluation of the LV Volumes

    • Measure the LV Volumes

    • LV wall motion

    • Regional wall motion

    • Aortic Valve Assessment

    • Aortic Valve Assessment

    • Assessment of the aortic valve

    • Assessment of the aortic valve - flow quantification

    • Limitations of VENC analysis

    • Further thoughts on grading aortic insufficiency

    • Assessment of DE-MRI Images

    • Final Thoughts

  • 3

    03 - Stress CMR

    • Patient History

    • ECG

    • Case link

    • LV function

    • LV Function

    • LV Function overview

    • Other Findings

    • DE-MRI

    • DE-MRI - interpretation

    • Stress interpretation

    • Cath of the RCA

    • Cath of the Left coronary

    • Conclusion and subsequent studies

  • 4

    04 - Stress CMR

    • Patient History

    • ECG

    • LV Function

    • Evaluate LV size and function

    • Other cardiac findings

    • DE-MRI interpretation

    • DE-MRI interpretation

    • Stress perfusion interpretation

    • Cath of the RV

    • Case resolution

  • 5

    05 - Myocardial Viability

    • Patient History

    • Cine images for LV size and function

    • LV size and function

    • LV assessment

    • Perfusion & DE imaging

    • Follow-up

  • 6

    06 - Myocardial Viability for acute MI

    • Patient History

    • LV function

    • Perfusion images

    • DE images

    • Comparison of imaging findings

    • Follow-up

  • 7

    07 - Myocardial Viability

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • DE images

    • Follow-up

  • 8

    08 - Myocardial viability imaging for ARVC

    • Patient History

    • ECG

    • CMR Study

    • Cine assessment

    • Tissue characterization as part of ARVC diagnostic criteria

    • Conclusion

  • 9

    09 - Stress CMR

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • Stress Interpretation

    • Interpretation and summary

  • 10

    10 - Myocardial viability for acute MI

    • Patient History

    • ECG & Echo findings

    • CMR interpretation: cine images

    • Cine assessment

    • Assessing acute myocardial injury

    • DE-MRI interpretation

    • DE-MRI - transmural extent of HE

    • Expert interpretation of the extent of HE

    • Final clinical report

  • 11

    11 - MR Angiography with a prosthetic valve

    • Patient History

    • Review Cine Images

    • Evaluation of the LV using cine imaging

    • Evaluation of LV Volumes

    • Measurement of LV Volumes

    • LV assessment

    • RV Assessment

    • Aortic valve assessment

    • Mediastinal mass

    • Assessment of the thoracic aorta

    • Thoracic aorta measurements

    • Delayed enhancement MRI

    • Final thoughts

  • 12

    12 - Pulmonary vein angiography

    • Patient History

    • Cine imaging

    • Morphology imaging

    • Pulmonary vein angiography

    • Assessment of the pulmonary veins

    • DE-MRI interpretation

    • Summary

  • 13

    13 - MRA for coarctation of the aorta

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • Cine findings

    • VENC imaging

    • Black blood morphology imaging

    • 3D MRA

    • 17 segment interpretation of wall motion

    • Conclusion

  • 14

    14 - Sinus venosus ASD and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return

    • Patient history

    • Cine images

    • Cine images

    • Black blood morphology imaging

    • 3D MRA

    • VENC analysis

    • 17 segment interpretation of wall motion and HE

    • Conclusion

  • 15

    15 - Tetralogy of Fallot

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • VENC images

    • 17 segment scores

    • Conclusion

  • 16

    16 - Myocardial Viability Evaluation of NSTEMI in the absence of significant CAD

    • Patient History

    • Prior diagnostic testing

    • Patient history, continued

    • ECG at admission

    • Review of prior diagnostic testing

    • Cine images

    • DE-MRI images

    • Long inversion time DE-MRI

  • 17

    17 - Myocardial Viability

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • Interpretation of cine and DE images

    • Summary

  • 18

    18 - Cardiomyopathy

    • Patient History

    • Cine & DE interpretation

    • TI Scout

    • TI scout

    • Summary

    • TI scout

  • 19

    19 - Cardiomyopathy

    • Patient history

    • Image interpretation

    • Summary & Followup

  • 20

    20 - Cardiomyopathy

    • Patient History

    • Cine evaluation

    • Comment on LV function

    • DE-MRI interpretation

  • 21

    21 - Myocarditis

    • Patient History

    • Cine images

    • CMR diagnostic criteria for myocarditis

    • T2 hyperintensity for detection of edema

    • Update Lake Louise Consensus Criteria

    • Mapping

    • Overall study assessment

    • Conclusion

  • 22

    22 - Cardiac Mass Evaluation

    • Patient History

    • Findings from 2nd TEE (2 months later)

    • Why use CMR to evaluate this case?

    • Interpretation: Cine Images

    • Interpretation: T2W Images

    • Interpretation: Perfusion imaging

    • Interpretation - Delayed-Enhancement

    • Summary of CMR findings

    • Stepwise Algorithm for cardiac mass interpretation

    • Stepwise Algorithm for cardiac mass interpretation

    • Stepwise Algorithm for cardiac mass interpretation

    • Stepwise Algorithm for cardiac mass interpretation

    • Conclusion & Followup

  • 23

    23 - Myopericarditis

    • Patient History

    • CMR Study

    • Interpretation - T1 & T2 maps

    • Interpretation - contrast enhanced imaging

    • Conclusion & Follow-up